For undergraduate and graduate students to make changes to their spring schedule, including adding or dropping a 4th Quarter Class, navigate to your Class Schedule in WesPortal and take the necessary actions.

The Registrar’s Office, in collaboration with the Office of Academic Advancement and ITS, are excited to share that late changes to class schedules can be made electronically, rather than on paper, via student schedules in WesPortal. Requests will trigger dynamic workflows with email notifications at each stage of the review process. Students will have the ability to see the status of their requests as they move through workflow, and faculty can approve or deny requests as appropriate.

For technical questions regarding the system, send an email to the Registrar’s office. Questions regarding the general petition process can be directed to the student's class dean.

  • Notification of Pending Requests
    For each step of the workflow, an email will be sent to the person notifying them of the pending request, including a link to access and review the request.
  • Link to Pending Requests
    Faculty can see pending requests via:

  • Workflow
    The workflows are dynamic, depending on the type of change that is requested.
  • Reviewing Requests and Taking Action
    • At each stage of the workflow, the user can approve, deny, or leave a request pending.
      • If approved, the request will move to the next stage of the workflow and an email will be sent to the next user.
      • If denied, an email will be sent to the student notifying them of the denial.
      • If left pending, nothing will happen.
    • The final step in the approval process is review by the Operations Committee.
      • If the request is denied, an email will be sent to the student notifying them of the denial.
    • If it is approved, the request will move to the Registrar’s Office for processing.
      • Once processed, students will receive an email notification.
      • InstructorViewInstructor view of pending petitions